Wednesday, February 24, 2010

No pictures, sorry

I don´t seem able to post pictures. I am experiencing miscommunications with all the computers I´ve encountered so far. Until I figure out, I guess just use my descriptions and your imagination combined.


  1. I'm happy to do that. Yesterday I had lunch with one of our firm's professional photographers. He had visited Ecuador in December and described it to me as very beautiful and very poor. In his work he is involved with New Yorker's moving to larger apartments. " 'It's just too small for us', and I think of the girl on the side of the road carrying her baby over her shoulder, who would sell anything, in Ecuador. I've got my perspective." I had turkey and swiss on whole wheat, bottled water. He had chicken fingers, apple sauce.

  2. I think you should start the uncle mike´s what blog. That is something i would read.
    Its true that Ecuador seems poor. Like so many places, the rich-poor gap is tremendous. In Quito there are very nice apartments and places to live and then there are shantytowns strewn up about the hillsides. I think my neighborhood is somewhere in the middle. A lot of kids hang out in the markets with their parents all day because they dont have the money for uniforms, buses, and other costs for school.
